English for the Future:
assessing, learning, teaching and using the global language


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Professor John Rallison
Chairman of the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate

Dr Michael Milanovic
Chief Executive, Cambridge English Language Assessment

Ron White
Former Director of the Centre for Applied Language Studies, University of Reading, UK

Assessing English

A systemic view of assessment within an educational context
Dr Nick Saville
Director Research & Validation, Cambridge English Language Assessment, UK

Dr Neil Jones
Assistant Director Research & Validation, Cambridge English Language Assessment, UK

Learning English

Profiling English in China: the impact of socio-economic context on learning English
Dr David Graddol
Director, The English Company (UK) Ltd, UK

Learning English as a basic skill: is younger necessarily better?
Melanie Williams
Author, educational consultant and teacher trainer, France

Integrating Content and English Language learning in Schools: L1, B2, 3Ps?
Kay Bentley
Author, educational consultant and teacher trainer, UK

Audience question and answer session

Teaching English

The native/non-native conundrum revisited
Professor Péter Medgyes
Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

Teaching English in Mexico, a matter of public policy
Dr Juan Manuel Martínez García
Planning Director for Curricular Development, Ministry of Public Education, México

Audience question and answer session

Technology and the Future

The future directions of technology-supported language learning
Michael Carrier
Director Strategic Partnerships, Cambridge English Language Assessment, UK

Insights from computational linguistics in teaching and assessing written English
Professor Ted Briscoe
Director, ALTA Institute (Automated Language Teaching and Assessment), University of Cambridge, UK

Automatic Assessment of Spoken English: Challenges and Opportunities for Speech Technology
Professor Mark Gales
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, UK

Audience question and answer session

Using English

English at work: learning and using English on the job
Dr Kathleen M. Bailey
President, The International Research Foundation for English Language Education (TIRF), USA

Using English for Professional Purposes
Professor Tim McNamara
The University of Melbourne, Australia

The multilingual city
Dr Lid King
Director, The Languages Company, UK

Audience question and answer session

Closing remarks